Saturday, July 24, 2021


 There have been a few changes in my living situation. It'll resolve itself in a couple of weeks, but until then, I'm not getting much done out of all those things I listed in my first post.

Some of the things I have been doing include:

  • Playing Chess matches with my Pop.
  • Reading
  • Organising an Analytic Number Theory reading group
  • Talking with a friend about the game he's making
So certainly not a waste of time.
Apart from that, I have a seemingly interminable list of ideas. Here's a list of some from just the last couple of weeks:
  • An underwater exploration game for Haunted PS1's summer game jam
  • A fantasy Action-Adventure game for GBA about the stories told by the sister of a boy with cancer
  • A podcast about the most interesting people in history
I always work on these ideas for about a day before forgetting about them and moving on, which is a shame, because I'd like to complete a project at one point. Is the problem that I can't commit to an idea? Is it that I'm having ideas for big projects when I should be focussing on small? Or should I be trying to think of ideas until I have one that really sticks?

To round out the article, here's a picture taken from a nearby overpass. 

I must admit, I'm a little scared of never actually making something. Like I'll never work on a project for more than a couple of days, and end up never completing anything because of my fickleness. It just feels like every day, I want to make something else, and every time I return to an old project, the frustrations that made me give it up are still there, and just as insurmountable.
Maybe I need to go back to an old project with a new mindset, and poke and prod the ideas until they yield, just to show myself that it can be done.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021


 I went for a bike ride today. I wanted to go somewhere I hadn't before, so I continued all the way across towards the next suburb over. I saw a water tower way up on a hill nearby. I tried to take a photo of it, but I couldn't really capture how big and powerful it looked. If I got the right angle and a good lens, maybe I could give it a go. 

I might try and ride there next. I might've gone there today if I was on my other bike, which is better for off-road stuff. As I went further into this town, it seemed to become more and more industrial. There weren't many restaurants, and the shops were mainly for more specialty products; Electrical, cars, hardware. There was even a shop seemingly exclusively for GPS systems. How that stays afloat, I have no idea. I thought perhaps they must be laundering money. I actually came in this direction to visit an electronics store and enquire about temperature controlled soldering irons. I'm relatively new to electronics, but I'd heard they were essential to any projects involving very fine soldering, and I have one such project in mind, which you might see in subsequent posts.
There weren't any places to lock up my bike, so I went into a nearby street to find a fence to lock it against. I found myself in a little cul-de-sac nestled between several factories, and locked it one one of the metal fences. Just above my bike on the fence, hanging between the fenceposts, was a little spiderweb. When I looked at it, one word came to my mind: "Home."
It's funny that I was so focussed on how industrial the area was, but it was as good a home as any for the spider.
Anyway, I'll put some more of the photos I've taken while cycling recently below.

A footbridge over a gully, dusk silhouetting a tree, an alley, and sunset from the highway overpass.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Purpose of this blog

Hi, I'm Tom. I've been thinking lately I want to have somewhere to post about miscellaneous topics and pretend that someone is listening to me. I figure that if I have in mind an imaginary crowd of people hanging on to my every word, then I might perhaps be able to get something done for once. Here's a list of things I want to get done / topics I might talk about here.
  • Work on game development
  • Work on electronics projects
  • Keep record of my attempts to get through my book backlog
  • Work through my games backlog
  • Do some story writing
  • Logic puzzles
  • Maths and physics
  • Photography
If any of these things interest you, then you're a grown adult and can decide for yourself whether you want to read my blog and don't need me to tell you what to do.